From: Spencer Gardner - Gunner Croc 7, '65-'66
The 2015 - 119th Assault Helicopter Company Reunion will be held:
** September 22nd -> 24th, 2015. **
Austin, Texas
We will be staying at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Austin, Texas. This is a really nice hotel and of all the hotels I contacted this was the best offer.
There are 4 restaurants within a five minute walking distance; The China Star, Pappadeauxs, Pappasitos and Chili's. There is a Texas Land and Cattle which you can get to by the shuttle. There is also an on site restaurant for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They have a full breakfast buffet for $6.00.
Getting to the hotel is not hard as it is right on I-35. Air Transportation is not bad either with American, Continental, Delta, NorthWest, Southwest, United and U.S. Airways flying into Austin. I will have information later on on transportation from the airport to the hotel. The hotel has a shuttle service but it could be more trouble than it is worth.
There are things to do in Austin but there are no scheduled trips planned for this reunion, I am hoping for a really good turnout this year. Last years turned out well and there is no reason this can't be even better. We will also have a decorated tail rotor blade and chain for raffle. The money from this will help offset some of the reunion expenses. Bob Kilpatrick will be coming up with a reunion t-shirt and more info on this will the Crowne Plaza Hotel.
The Reunion will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.
Crowne Plaza Hotel
6121 North IH 35
Austin, Texas 78752
Room Rate: $94.00 plus tax. You will need to make your reservations at the hotel prior to September 1, 2015. After that date our unused rooms revert back to the hotel and the prevailing rate goes into effect.
** Click HERE for Additional Hotel Information **
Hotel Toll Free Number, CALL: 800-916-4339