: Plant is about ten miles from our house. I'm
: sitting in a motel outside the gate at Ft
: Eustis right now, but my wife said that she
: and my daughter spent ten minutes wandering
: around the house trying to figure out what
: had collapsed, shock wave was that big.
: My son's house is only about a half mile, right
: across the river. He said he thinks the
: house has a permanent list to starboard that
: it didn't have yesterday.
: A lot of guys from town work there; no news on
: them yet.
: Thanks to all for checking.
: Bob
: (The Ft Eustis thing is, I'm heading into the
: Transportation Museum there in the morning,
: see what I can find on us and ours.)
some better news from the site, Bob-
latest FOX report is that all folks known to be on site are accounted for.
Regrettably, five known lost and 12 injured, as of 2210.
Google Earth show the plant just uinder five miles from your spot. I hope Colin's house is undamaged.