Back in late 67 John Moberly and I rescued a head hunter 19 miles northeast of Dak to. Not a damned word in the 119th History. I am hoping someone can look in the National archives and find a report of that in the 219th recon Airplane stuff. a guy from the 219th told me the pilot was named Fielder. I had a pissing contest going on with the XO (capt Holloway) and don't care about me but John Moberly was the AC and is a hero. None of us on that crew ever got a medal or a thank you except from the head hunters.. John is now very ill and I'd like to see him recognized. If anyone can look in the national archives and find mention of the incident between late august and early Nov.1967, I'd appreciate it (it happened about sept 19th of Sept. 1967 if memory is correct).while no mention is in the 119th history, is has to be on the 219th archives since they lost an airplane. A 219th guy (Lt Bohannon)in a bird dog gave us air support and got a silver star after we landed at Holloway. We went in to 6 gun positions and rescued Fielder. I am still pissed that Capt.Holloway let his anger with me get in the way of his professional judgment.. the damned crew deserved better.