My opinion doesn't mean a hell of a lot. I flew everyday except when I got sick with a sinus infection and when I got a little metal in my leg.
It got to the point I, like you guys did our job. Some were recognized and others weren't. It don't make a shit to me anymore. I never got to take an R&R. Either it didn't fall quite right as far as timing or something and after being Sp-4 over 2, I just didn't really give a damn. I figure I was not on the favored list, so I didn't say anything.
I just wanted to do the mission and all of us get home.
It's been 40+ yrs. and I seriously doubt if the Government really gives a shit now. I'd like to see all the ones that did beyond the call of duty recognized, but I don't think it will happen due to missing records, flying points west and numerous other reasons. I wanted to stay in, but I saw how a lot of things were going on so I quickly changed my mind after 3 yrs.
All I know was we had a lot of good crews that did a lot with no recognition. Frankly, it's history. I did what I had to do to keep it flying and that's all. I try not to think about anything else. You Brothers were the best and so too were the pilots!