It's sad that we even have service members, for whatever reasons, give out classified information to a website. Use to be a reason to be convicted of treason.
As forieners came in, they use to go through an indoctrination process to become citizen and then sworn in. I don't guess they do anything ezceopt put the cart before the horse. Insted of having our Military over where they are, they need to be on our borders watching out for illegals! But, then you'd have an atmosphere of the Nazies during WWII. This is all turning into something I hopped I'd never see again! And , our own government is rolling over when they should be standing up for the citizens. I don't get it anymore. All I can count on are the Brothers I served with in the service and from them, the Aviation Unit I served with, "The 119th". We did our job and I know what you guys are made of!!! I'm in no way trying to incite anything!!